First Covenant Foundation Directors

Michael Dallen, director, editor, and writer, founded First Covenant together with former Baptist Minister Jack E. Saunders, and with Rabbi Michael Katz.

Born Jewish, but not religious, from Jewish, mostly Lithuanian Orthodox, forebears, he became bar mitzvah as a Conservative Jew. After years of agnosticism and skepticism, he began treating Israel's Ten Commandments and the Jewish People's Torah Covenant from Mt. Sinai completely seriously only after learning of the Rainbow Covenant.

The First or Rainbow Covenant is the original Biblical covenant with mankind's legendary common ancestors, the Universal Covenant, associated with the rainbow. "I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and Earth." (Genesis 9).

Since the two covenants - the Jewish covenant from Sinai and the earlier Universal Covenant - are not the same, despite their One Divine source, since they're designed for different purposes and involve two different, separate sets of laws, he decided that it's good to be a lawyer to explain to people what the two laws are and how they work together. He wrote Rainbow Covenant: Torah and the Seven Universal Laws.

[email protected]
Michael Dallen
First Covenant Foundation
2400 Woodstock
Detroit, MI 48203-1061

Call: (313) 891-1920

Jack E. Saunders, co-founder, 1948-2019

Rev. Jack Saunders and Michael Dallen first met in Athens, Tennessee, on January 15, 1992. They were close ever since. They learned from each other, taught each other, and worked closely with each other for 25 years until his health problems intruded. Jack Saunders was a working Baptist pastor when he started studying Torah. He became a conscious servant of the One and Only God and a devout student of the Torah. He was a gifted teacher of black-letter Scripture, of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings.

He helped write Rainbow Covenant.

He was known far and wide as "the Preacher." He lived and died as a God-loving, God-fearing man of God and a true Noahide scholar. With his loving wife, Joan, he arranged his own burial - in a plain wood casket - to take place the same day he died. He cheerfully anticipated getting all his many questions answered - as he put it, "by Moses himself."

Rabbi Michael Katz, our third founding director, has served as a rabbinic adviser to Noahides since 1989 (We are CNN's "Guru to the Goyim.") Rabbi Katz worked with Michael Dallen and Jack Saunders on the Rainbow Covenant. He has provided First Covenant with rabbinic supervision - including pre-reviewing each issue of Covenant Connection - from the beginning. Rabbi Katz began his professional career in South Africa; he received semicha (rabbinic ordination) from Yeshiva Ner Israel in Baltimore. A revered kiruv ("outreach") rabbi, Torah-teacher, businessman, and writer, he lives in Miami, Florida, with his wife, Toby (daughter of Ohr Sameyach's late Rabbi Nachman Bulman, of blessed memory), and their family.

[email protected]
Rabbi Michael Katz

5650 Stirling Road
Hollywood, FL 33021

(954) 964-4288

After reading the Rainbow Covenant, Dr. Robert E. Buxbaum became a First Covenant director in 2013. A husband, father, engineer, scientist, lifelong Torah student, and teacher, Professor Buxbaum studied philosophy and chemical engineering at Cooper Union in New York City and later earned a doctorate in nuclear engineering from Princeton University. He manufactures scientific equipment, besides consulting, and sometimes writes incisive essays on everything under the sun. He lives just outside Detroit in Oak Park, Michigan.

[email protected]
Dr. Robert E. Buxbaum
REB Research and Consulting Co.

Oak Park, MI 48237
(248) 545-0155
REB Research