Stay Updated With News and Insights
Vol. 18.2 February 2025/Shevat 5785
Getting Deeper Into the Millenium
Bitachon - Trust in God
One of the best things about this job is receiving insight from God-fearing Gentiles - b'nei no'ach. Dimitar V. Kosev, an old dear friend, a Noachide author in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, was responding to this statement:
Greater than all the prayers one can say to HaShem, bitachon is greater.
Bitachon is a major Hebrew Torah-study word signifying trust - like trustfully falling back into trust-worthy hands.
Dimitar comments: "Bitachon is not a blind sheep-like Christian trust. It is a high level of awareness that 'it could not be otherwise'."
Basically, he's saying that Bitachon is "woke" or enlightened awareness that it's impossible that HaShem isn't the "hands-on" Master of all Creation.
We trust and believe in HaShem, in other words, because any world-view other than that would be absurd.
Getting Deeper Into the Millenium
More and more gets clearer as we get deeper into the Millenium. Even Israel’s Arab enemies may be becoming a little more aware – at least to the extent of recognizing that opposing the Jews in all things puts people in the company of the worst causes and criminals in all of human history. We're seeing early signs that the Arab bloc of 22 or 23 Muslim-ruled Arabic-speaking countries is flagging in its long-running crusade to annihilate Israel. Despite lots of howling to the contrary.
It's about time! Never has there been such a struggle: more than a score of sovereign nations ganging up on one nation, not to win a point, punish or restrict a country but, generation after generation, decade after decade, to utterly annihilate it; to enforce worldwide boycotts against it, refusing to even recognize or talk with it or do business with it, and working ceaselessly to undermine it, by all possible means, including war after war after war.
Just look at this chart:
All over a country smaller than New Jersey, or “tiny” El Salvador (El Salvador is always described as “tiny”); less than 600-times the size of the Arab countries that have been trying to erase it.
It's interesting: Cicero, the famous ancient Roman, a notorious Jew-baiter, mocked Israel's God - which is to say, God - for the smallness of the Jewish Holy Land. "He must be only a very small and weak God," Cicero teased, for only reserving such a dinky country as the Land of Israel for the Jews, "for His own glory!" After all, what is Canaan - the Holy Land - but an insignificant dot on the map?
[We wrote before about finding this factoid in the sermons of the famous Depression-era Detroit-area "radio priest," Canadian-American Fr. Charles Coughlin. Celebrated for the founding of a great basilica, the Shrine of the Little Flower, the Church finally silenced Fr. Coughlin over his outspoken support for Nazism.]
Yet as we see, the Gentiles keep howling (Isaiah 17-24; 52:15) against Israel...
But give the haters credit for consistency. Palestinianism – keeping the Jews from fulfilling God’s mandate to re-establish Jewish life in the Land of Israel – is genuinely a rotten cause: certainly one of the worst causes ever known. Its core premise (the late leader of Hezbollah – recently blown to Hell by a Jewish bomb – passionately taught this): that the Jews being in the Holy Land is a life-threatening foreign evil in the heart of the Arab world, and the duty of every right-thinking person - particularly, of every Muslim, and every Arab – is to help destroy it.
In this conception, which has achieved the most remarkable popularity, it would be better to have no life on the land than to tolerate an Israel. This fact is reflected in Iran's nuclear policy, indeed: better to poison the land with atomic weapons and keep anyone from having it than accept the reality of Israel. It’s why Palestinians cheered Saddam Hussein’s rocket attacks on Israel back in the 90’s, despite expecting that they carried poison gases or nuclear radiation that would have killed them too. It’s why they cheered the rocket attacks from Gaza, the Yemenite Houthis, Iran and Hezbollah, in 2023 and 2024, that were designed to ignite fire storms and burn the recently re-born forests of the Holy Land: not because they want the land for themselves but just to wreck it for the Jews.
We expect the charm of this argument to fade over time. In fact, we think we're already seeing signs of it, even among the Arabs themselves. Who wants to be linked to such patent unholiness?
No Torah-Jew can look at October 7th without remembering Genesis 34: a lawless non-Jew raping Dinah, Jacob's daughter; his savage people positively accepting of his animalism; wiped out by her seething Jewish brothers, who explained, "Should they treat our sister as a whore?" But the Arab peoples, in polls taken immediately after October 7th, from Kuwait to California, overwhelmingly praised the "liberation operation." Only among the Arabs in Israel did a significant minority - almost 40% - object, on the grounds that payback would hurt. But even then, only a tiny number of respondents, fewer than ten percent of those who called Hamas' attack a mistake, objected to Hamas' tactics, the raping and murder of Jewish civilians.
Elsewhere, outside Israel, including native Arabic-speakers in America and Europe, the support for Hamas was solid: more than 80%. The people of Gaza and the Arabs in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") and southern Lebanon promoted endless videos of nearly delirious celebrations. Across the Arab world, these became entertainment.
Watching grizzled Arab men grinning and laughing at the videos of Jewish women and girls suffering, the killing of their dogs, and the murder of young men, was jaw-dropping.
One thing to understand about the October 7th attack: it wasn't all that reckless. Only after Israel responded did the Arabs' "wiser heads" begin denouncing it as "suicide." Hamas and the other parties to Iran's so-called Axis of Resistance [against Israel and America] really thought it would work; that they could pull off at least enough of a win to cripple - and ultimately bury - Israel. Nobody in the Arab camp really knew how Israel might respond.
The world's Jews were indeed divided. In Israel, I myself got unwillingly caught up in a flag-waving anti-government. This generation of Israeli teenagers had never been tested in a full-fledged war. ("Will they even bring themselves to fight?") Hamas and Hezbollah had been gearing up an Israel-obliterating war for decades, sinking uncounted billions of Arab and Iranian petro-dollars into arsenals, fortifications and military training - and also, always, into fomenting hate. Iran, a profoundly misled non-Arab Muslim country of more than 90-million people, armed to the teeth and nationally committed in their "Axis of Resistance" to Israel's annihilation, cried for war. They closely coordinated with each other. With or without the help of Egypt - which, incidentally, has recently been arming ferociously against Israel, building and stocking vast underground fortifications and arsenals in Sinai, as near to Israel as feasible - and Syria, and the rest of what the Arab world calls "the confrontation states" against Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran thought they were winners.
Getting the Jew-Haters Away From the Jews Foils the Arabs' Plot
Nothing changes perspectives like losing. After the Dinah-incident in Genesis, the Gentiles of ancient Canaan acquired respect for the children of Israel. On the Jewish side, the Jews got new insight on the forces arrayed against Israel after October 7th, and the country of Israel has been fighting, rightly and truly, as if everything depends on it.
The Jews have lost patience with our many enemies and the Arabs have acquired fresh insight into why.
Apocalypse means "unveiling," "revelation." For people with Torah-educated eyes, we've seen revealed clearly fulfilled prophecies - concrete affirmations of black-letter Torah. Only an idiot would ignore the fact that, for instance, the Torah's warnings to the Jews concerning a phony nationality, "a vile nation that is no nation" (Deuteronomy 32:21), future "sticks in your eyes and pins in your sides" if Israel doesn't get them off the land (Numbers 33:55) - God's land, the Jews' Holy Land - that they fiercely claim as theirs, isn't, after all, just airy-fairy ancient nonsense. That itself constitutes an unveiling.
Of course the unfolding promise of assembled nations joining in a world-wide conspiracy to erase even "the name of Israel" (Psalms 83:5) seems pertinent. We've seen nations like Ireland and South Africa, and hundreds of millions of idealistic youth, worldwide, take up the cause of Palestinianism. That it's a horrible cause, based on risible nonsense, phony history, absurd arguments and great tidal waves of stinking but expensive Arab propaganda profoundly lacking in truth, that a little sober consideration and maybe just a little more basic information should reveal to be nonsense, hardly affects its trajectory. Against Palestinianism, Israel's cause is very widely despised.
But the Arabs themselves may be becoming more conscious of the promise that they who oppress Israel will suffer horrible civil wars: God will "feed them with their own flesh." (Isaiah 49:26) Since, after all, today's Arab world is wracked with civil wars! Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Sudan… Karma's a bitch, as they say (in Hebrew, mida k'neged mida, measure for measure): people encouraging "Palestinian" envy, blood-lust and the slaughter of civilians are surprised when just exactly such evil attaches itself to them.
They should know better. Gentiles should inform themselves enough to at least read the Bible's Book of Genesis - it should be on the reading-list in every nation everywhere - including the general guarantees and major cosmological truths just from Genesis 12:3 and 7:29: Attention! You who bless Israel can expect to receive blessing! You who curse Israel, expect to be damned!
The cruelty and perniciousness of Palestinianism, of the Arab world's plotting to destroy Israel by creating, arming, multiplying and indoctrinating the Palestinians, subsidizing their nurseries and obstetric clinics while paying them to forge themselves into the tip of the Arabs' spear, feeding them the nonsense of Arab "true" ownership of the Holy Land, has come into better focus. While the Arabs and - more recently, Iran, along with the internationally-funded UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) - have poured hundreds of billions into creating a phony "Palestinian" identity in the disparate, and recent, populations of non-Jewish squatters who've ever passed through the Holy Land - the claims of Palestinianism can still be seen as increasingly risible bullshit. Especially as we watch the whole Arab world and even distant Muslim countries like Indonesia refusing to extend ANY kind of welcome to their own supposed beloved brethren, desperate "Palestinian" refugees, who'd like to flee the devastation of the war that they started.
This is such a shame: Palestinianism, the most horrible of bad causes, has perverted the natural cultural hospitality and generosity of the Arab peoples so that it’s absolutely unthinkable to simply help out a Palestinian with a home or a job, because the whole point of Palestinianism is to forge the Palestinians into the tip of the Arabs’ spear against the Jews. The Arabs’ “help” to Palesinians is restricted to multiplying their population, subsidizing their obstetric clinics and food relief – none of the “Palestinian territories” are anywhere close to self-supporting – and arming, training them for war, and inciting them in Jew-hate. They have nowhere to go," the world cries, for the people of Gaza - fenced off from the rest of the world by the Arabs themselves!
We must note: America has shown what it's made of. I've never been more proud of America for the help we've given to the freedom fighters of Israel - and, incidentally, to the freedom fighters of Ukraine. If America hadn't stood by Israel in the on-going struggle against the lying nonsense of the Arab cause and the horrid tyrannies of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc., not just with supplies but with the active help of the U.S. Navy, and other agencies, a lot more Jewish lives would have been lost. And Syria would still be a torture chamber.
One of the most ferociously anti-Israel of all the Arabs' anti-Israel "confrontation states," Syria's been in a state of declared war with Israel since Israel's founding. The degenerate Assad family would still rule Syria if Israel - with a certain amount of help from allies - hadn't eliminated Iranian air defenses and decimated Hezbollah. If the grotesque residue of a mess that is post-civil war Syria has any kind of future it's due to Israel.
People in their hatred ignore their own religion. The Qur'an itself, in the name of Allah, repeatedly declares "Palestine" to be the possession of the Jews (Suras 5:21, 10:93, 17:7, 17:104, 21:5, and probably elsewhere as well. The earth belongs to Allah, it teaches; He bequeaths it to whom He wills; and it is simply His will that He bequeathed the Holy Land of Israel to the Jews, and only to the Jews.
They also ignore plainly secular facts. The name Palestinian comes from Pilishtim, for instance; Hebrew for "invader"! Today's "Filistin" have no more connection to the ancient Philistines, or Cana'anites, than to Genghis Khan or Wyatt Earp.
Everybody with eyes has seen that the Palestinians' methods for "winning back" Palestine run heavily towards mind-boggling savagery. We're not through suffering through the phenomenon of people who take up Palestinianism suddenly blowing up buildings and murderously driving planes and trucks into innocent people. But even beyond that, lots of people have discovered that there is nothing - not one thing - in Palestinianism that's good for Palestine or for Palestinians. At the same time, lots of Arabs have noticed that their claims against the Jews keep getting dismissed as lying garbage.
Hamas' chief hostage negotiator declared last month - the 2d week of January - that the rape, torture and murder of Jewish civilians is "a source of pride for our people, to be passed down from generation to generation." This is the kind of the thing that almost – almost – makes the other enemies of the Jews, the Nazis, the Spanish Inquisition, the Communists, the Cossacks – look relatively peaceful.
The Jew-Haters Don't Want Their Plot Against the Jews Foiled
Naturally, people who mostly don't believe in the God of Abraham keep insisting that the Jews must give up most of the Holy Land for Palestine. This, even while the God of Abraham Himself has stated, again and again, "Don't!" "You shall not try to carve up the land that I have promised you"; "You shall not forge any kind of compact or covenant to convey away any part of the land to foreign (non-Jewish) claimants"; "Disaster will be befall you, Israel, if you oppose HaShem in such matters." Exodus 23:32-33, Exodus 34:12, and Deuteronomy 7:2. God condemns Israel for failing to scrupulously heed this call (Judges 2:2).
Despite all the world's bellowing for Palestine, history seems to be moving visibly towards restoring HaShem's "Presence" to the Holy Land. This is a principal goal of Torah, clearly, and of all Hebrew Revelation. It seems obvious that it certainly should be important to B'nei Yisroel, the People of Israel, and B'nei Noach: all the rest of humanity, the world's nations, the goyim, who want to serve HaShem.
After all the fighting since October 7th last year, it also seems obvious that Israel needs to complete the work of making the Jew-haters understand that Israel's not going anywhere, and that their dastardly deeds must be punished. President Trump just invited Jordan and Egypt to accept some refugees from the "demolition zone" that's Gaza and they promptly adamantly refused. There are some two million people looking for housing after their people's attacks from Gaza, but the leaders of the Arabs keep insisting that "they are purely, only, the Jews' problem." So it should be obvious what they and the rest of the Arab world are up to: to destroy Israel through the bullshit of "the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people."
Israel's taken the summit of Mt Hermon in the North of Israel, from Syria. Israel doesn't owe Syria - a terrible neighbor, by every measure - any deference. The Sykes-Picot Treaty after World War that suggested borders between the Holy Land and Syria isn't holy and definitely not Divine: Israel must keep the summit, not just by Divine right but to teach the Jew-haters that their evil actions have consequences. If Syria wants to improve relations with its next door neighbor, Israel, let it restore the bones of Eli Cohen, the soldier of Israel and master-spy, to his family and his nation. And say goodbye to the summit of Mt. Hermon. They can come ski on it, as visitors, when peace comes.
Ultimately, Jews will return to Gaza. God will restore His Presence there - apart from the evil degeneracy of the Jew-hate of Palestinianism. In the meantime, as President Trump has said, recognizing the obvious: it's a demolition zone. The people who are in Gaza now have no future there. If they try to rebuild, they - Jew-haters - will just go on to attack Israel again. So whatever they build there will fall. No weapon forged against Israel will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).
Future Generations Won't Believe This
Anybody, Noahide or Jew or Arab, who wants to see the people of Gaza thrive, should be pressing the Arab countries to take in their own people, to settle them, as citizens with equal rights, in their own vast territories. Let them stop subsidizing the evil propaganda that lies to them that their only possible future depends on eradicating the Jews.
It's the same in Lebanon, the same in Judea and Samaria - the "West Bank" - and Jerusalem, and the same for all the Arabs in Israel. If they want to live there as loyal citizens who adhere to the basic rules of all civilization, the 7M or Seven Commandments of the Noahide Revelation, and swear sincere allegiance to Jewish Israel, they have a future there. Otherwise, who in the world would want to live anywhere near the kind of people that they have shown themselves to be? People who applaud the maiming, rape and murder of Jews, and people who are OK with it.
They need to go forge lives for themselves somewhere else, where maybe they can redeem themselves. The world has a vast capacity to be improved by the love and labor of hard-working people, and the vast territories of the Arab world could welcome scores of millions more people. The good people of the world should be doing what we can to make it happen, speedily in our time.
Ultimately, we expect Scripture to be fulfilled: that the Name of the God of Israel should be declared sovereign over all the nations - that not just the Egyptians (Exodus 7:5 and 9:16) but all the world (Ezekiel 28:26) shall know that HaShem, Lord of Israel, is God.
By Michael Dallen
January 29, 2025
That through them [the Holy Land’s foreign squatters] I [the Lord] shall prove Israel, whether they shall keep the way of the Lord to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not. Therefore the Lord left those nations, without driving them out hastily; neither delivered He them into the hand of Joshua.” – Judges 2:22
November 2024/Cheshvan 5785 Vol. 18.1
A Universe in Thirteen Words: the Seven Laws of the Rainbow Covenant
Jews, the Descendants or Children of Israel, are called to live by the Bible's Ten Commandments' laws, involving a total of 613 Scriptural black-letter laws, including the laws that make the end-of-the-week Sabbath compulsory and make Israel a nation apart. This is Israel's obligation, arising from the Covenant of Sinai, including the entire Law of Moses - the Torah, the Divine "Teaching," "Guidance," "Way" or "Law."
Non-Jews or Gentiles - in Torah parlance, the Descendants or Children of Noah, the vast majority of the human race - are subject to an older covenant and a simpler, much more straightforward body of instruction, which doesn't compel Sabbath-observance: the Seven Noahide Commandments, the Code of the Rainbow Covenant.
The Rainbow is the symbol of this, the Bible's First Covenant - a solemn, binding, eternal contract - between the Sovereign of the Universe and all the Earth, including the whole human race.
In Genesis 9, the One and Only Living God speaking to Noah and his family, puts all humanity on notice: "This is the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature with you, for perpetual generations: I do set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of the covenant between Me and the Earth (Gen. 9:13).
The word "covenant" - in Hebrew, b'rit - appears here seven times.
It's always noteworthy when Deity "speaks" to mortals. Ten generations earlier, the Bible says, He "spoke" to Adam and Eve, the first true humans, according to the Bible. At that time, He revealed the basis of the Rainbow Covenant: that He, God, created man "in His image" (Genesis 1:26-27).
All the Rainbow Covenant's Seven Commandments logically follow that first revelation, that every human being exists in "the image" of God. Basically, the Seven Universal Laws of the Rainbow Covenant make the prior universal revelation, to Adam, operational.
Many nations have traditions that roughly correspond to these precepts - the so-called Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would be done by," is just one example - but only Israel, thanks to the Teachings of Moses, kept the whole tradition alive. Genesis 9 is a memory-retrieval device, a mnemonic, declaring the word "covenant," or "b'rit," seven times, reflecting the Rainbow Covenant's Seven Commandments.
Israel's famous Torah, in the ancient Talmud Bavli, the so-called Babylonian Talmud, sets them all out (in Tractate Sanhedrin, 56a). The Seven Commandments are simultaneously a comprehensive body of law, and a framework for every nation's laws; a philosophy, a moral code, and a compelling, elevating, dynamic, logically harmonious worldview.
Dinin. Vrachas HaShem. Avodah zorah. Giluy aroyos. Ushpachos damim. Ugzal. Ever min hachai
They probably sound puzzling, these bare words, "naked" as they are, but this is a dazzlingly sophisticated body of wise law. These are the Seven Rainbow Covenant Commandments, the Universal Law, Heaven's basic rules and instructions for living a moral, fully human life.
Against all the contrary ideas and philosophies of savage paganism and of tyrannies of all time, these are the fundamental principles of human righteousness.
Starting with the latest of the Universal Laws, the last-mentioned above:
1) Ever min hachai. In English, "Torn Limb," signifying: "Do Not Tear a Limb From a Living Animal to Eat It."
It sounds strange, doesn't it? But it's a whole philosophy in just three words. Life and the Earth are real. The pain of animals matters, to the Lord God Himself. He will not suffer people, created in "His image" and designed to serve Him as His stewards over Earth (Genesis 1), to treat His creatures with gratuitous cruelty, to devour them or any part torn from them as wild animals might, as monsters would, while they're living.
The gift from God of life, and His supreme, exalted gift to us of dominion over this planet, of stewardship over Earth, is not just a license for savage piggishness.
This commandment - to kill your food before you eat it - applies to all the higher animals with developed nervous systems. That is, it applies to all mammals, and many birds, who would suffer from such cruelty.
This commandment casts light on the Torah's famous dietary ordinances governing the People of Israel, such as those banning consuming meat and milk together (the very symbol of a mother's love together with her slaughtered calf), against inflicting needless pain in the slaughtering process, and against human consumption of blood. It also relates to the Torah obligation of feeding one's animals before one himself eats in the morning.
Like all of the Seven Commandments, this prohibition is or should be obvious, a "no-brainer." Eating like a monster, cruelly, oppressively, and in a manner calculated to inflict needless pain, is something that no one should want to do. It's something that no society should condone. Pursuant to the following law, every society should pass and enforce a prohibition against it.
The Seven Commandments, unlike most of the Ten Commandments, are meant to be enforced by courts and laws and police. The laws that Noahides devise - such as commercial laws, insurance laws, or even parking regulations - are, with the Seven Commandments' very basic, framework prohibitions against seriously oppressive crimes, nothing if they're not enforced.
2) Dinin, or literally "laws." This is the Anti-Anarchy Commandment, the Law against lawlessness. Everyone - every adult participating member of society - is Divinely obligated to stand up for justice, fairness and equity on Earth and fight against oppression and injustice. Humans must necessarily organize ourselves into societies - this is the pro-government Commandment - and do what we can to ensure that our societies operate justly. Laws, police and courts are fundamental to all civilization.
3) Vrachas HaShem This is the Law against sacrilege, or [against] "blessing the Name," as this is euphemistically phrased (really, the violation is "cursing" the Name - the Divine Name).
The Rainbow Covenant, like the Torah, teaches that people have the power both to sanctify what is holy and Godly - people's deities, in this case, whomever or whatever they may be - and disparage or profane them. The reputation of Deity - whether the deity in question is the Infinite Sovereign of the Universe or, God forbid, a pagan god or gods - and what people think of Him, or them, is in our hands. To disparage or profane what people sincerely revere as holy is itself unholy. Ultimately, the reputation of Deity depends on living human beings.
This Commandment is so closely related to the following Commandment, against Idolatry, that it's like the two legs of a man walking.
In the modern world, and liberal, rule-of-law countries like the United States, this,and the following Commandment, would normally apply only to terribly, egregiously oppressive violations, like torturing or murdering people to exalt a vicious so-called deity.
4) Avodah zorah. This is the Commandment against Idolatry - or, really, literally, "against Weird Service" or "Weird Worship." The great sage Maimonides - Rambam - put this prohibition first among the Universal laws. But it's connected to the prior Law and resembles it. Worshiping or "serving" a cause or deity by performing acts that no deity worth worshiping would ever countenance - like torturing or cruelly oppressing innocents to glorify somebody's perverse conception of Allah, for instance - is both blasphemous (a violation of the Law against Sacrilege) and Idolatrous.
5) Giluy aroyos, or Sex Crimes. Human beings are sexual beings. Using sex to diminish and oppress others, to infringe their right to not be forced, coerced or pressured into sexual relations, or to force sex on animals, is sordid, forbidden, blasphemous, and less-than-animal misconduct.
6) Ushpachos damim, or murderous bloodshed. This universal prohibition corresponds to the Torah's "you shall not commit murder" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 6:17), and the early black-letter revelation in Genesis: "Whosoever sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the 'image' of God made He man" (Genesis 9:5-6). This precept has bearing on matters including suicide, "assisted suicide," and fetal abortion - since the Torah recognizes that there is some sanctity even in womb-bound humans - as well as capital punishment and warfare.
7) Ugzal. Larceny, usurping what's not yours, defiles the Earth. This commandment corresponds to the Torah's "you shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15). Volumes could and have been written about the extent of this prohibition: it covers commercial crimes, and defamation, kidnapping, and even rape. It prohibits, like all the Universal Commandments, savage oppression.
Notice that all these "Noachide" or Seven Commandments Laws are negative, "You shall not," prohibitions. Unlike the Torah's Ten Commandments, they're designed to be legislated into criminally enforceable law, administered by police and courts. Which in fact they partly have been, in the nations' law codes: in no nation is it lawful to murder children to glorify any deity, even though some nations - we're thinking particularly of Iran and the nations of the Arab League, in their endless struggle to annihilate Israel - practically encourage it.
No nation and no person is virtuous unless it, he, or she, do the opposite of what the Seven Commandments prohibit. To refrain from murder is not particularly praiseworthy, for instance, but it is indeed virtuous to try to save the life of one in danger. To refrain from larcency isn't all that wonderful, similarly, but charitable giving really is good. Further, unquestionably, one way to determine what is good and virtuous is to reference the world's only other Divinely given set of laws, the Torah, which should be regarded as the Universal Laws' other face. All Divine legislation is related to all other Divine legislation. And "Happy is he who heeds Your Commandments, your Torah and Your word." (Siddur).
In the Torah, the whole Book of Genesis, the Book of Exodus, up to the Revelation at Mt. Sinai, and Numbers 22-24, constitute terrific learning material for Noahides, along with all the rest of Bible: Psalms, Proverbs, the Histories and Writings and all the prophets, etc. The Bible exists, partly, to help Noahides, or Gentiles, orient themselves towards the people and the phenomenon of Israel.
We need to emphasize that, every person existing in the "image" of Divinity, that democracy, one man, one vote; government of the people, by the people, for the people, strikes us, at least, as the highest and most righteous type of government. One aspect of every nation's sovereignty is the right and obligation to determine the details of its own laws for itself. The Seven Commandments are all general prohibitions which point the way to that which is good, "and what HaShem (the Living God of Israel, the Lord of all Creation) demands of you - to do only that which is just, to love generosity and kindness, and to walk humbly with" Him (Micah 5:28). Within the framework of the Seven Rainbow Covenant Commandments, each nation is obliged to forge its own path to what is good.
Why Anti-Semitism?
Israel's obligation to help raise up the nations, scholars say, is one of the reasons for the Jews' dispersal among the nations.
From "Rainbow Covenant: Torah and the Seven Universal Laws"
The cartoon here is a tongue-in-cheek version of Isaiah's "Suffering Servant of the Lord -Israel, the Jewish People, Jacob, God's "light unto the nations" (Isaiah 42:6) - among the nations.
Recently, discussing the phenomenon of Jew-hatred, we asked, sarcastically:
"Why would anyone hate acolytes of a religion that claims to be radically different and better than all others, making us better than all others, and gives us a basis for declaring all others to be lacking, while offering them no real way to join us cool kids?"
It seems only natural that people should feel inclined to presume such people to be guilty, before considering the genuinely extraordinary facts of history and world-affairs.
As the Jewish people confront Iran and the myths of the 22-countries of the Arab League - that the Jews' ancient Holy Land, the size of tiny El Salvador, or the state of New Jersey, is really a sacred Muslim trust, a wakf, belonging to the followers of Islam and to no one else, while the Jews are strangers, "colonialists" and interlopers in the Middle East, who really need to pack up and move "back" to Poland - it seems appropriate to mention two things:
1) With some notable - and very praiseworthy - exceptions, the Arab peoples have been extremely ungracious to the Jewish people, from before Islam began, and then even more so subsequently. The Persians - the Iranians - haven't been excessively hospitable either.
In our times, hundreds of millions of petro-dollars from the Arabs' and Iranians' vast oil wealth have poured into the cause of convincing the so-called Palestinian people - the descendants of the different Arab sojourners and squatters who claim to have ever lived for any length of time in the Jews' Holy Land - that the Jews' Holy Land is rightfully entirely and exclusively their property.
These deluded people have also been convinced that the Jews are solely a European people who have no connection to their Holy Land nor to any part of the Middle East - and that Zionism, the element in Judaism that calls the Jews back to their indigenous homeland, is merely a modern "colonialist" and purely racist movement.
2) All of Iran's and the Arab League's chatter about Jews being European colonialists who should go back to Poland is ridiculous. This map helps tell the story:
Notice the vastness of the Arab countries' territories. Israel, just north of Egypt, south of Lebanon, is barely even visible. The ancient Roman orator Cicero used to ridicule the Jews and Judaism, saying that the God of Israel must be only a very tiny, very weak God, Who could only give His people, the Jews, such a tiny little country as the Jewish Promised Land. But it's far too much, it seems, for the Muslim world to tolerate!
By Michael Dallen
November 2024
The Torah is a unitary program for all humanity.
Let all who walk the earth recognize and know that You alone are the God over all the kingdoms of the earth. - Siddur, morning prayer
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September 2024 Vol. 17.10
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Israel is Goliath and Palestine is David, Christean Amanpour said on her international TV show, "Amanpour and Company." She was talking to Israeli author David Grossman, who is a prize-winning novelist and a renowned Jewish "peace activist." Grossman insisted: "Despite everything, we must show faith. We must defeat the Jewish Messianics with the Two-State Solution."
That anybody could look at this map - "The Green is the Arab world. That Tiny Speck is Israel" - and claim that the real problem between Israel and the Arabs and the Arabs' allied Muslim countries is that Israel is too big.... We are not prophets but we predict that future generations will ponder this in wonder. It's like believing the Nazis' crazy lies about the all-powerful Jews as they murdered them.
The famous Ancient Roman orator Cicero disparaged the Jews and Judaism - and particularly, the Jewish Holy Land - with mordant humor:
"The God of the Jews must be a little God, since He has given His people such a little country."
[By the way, I found this quote from the famous Jew-baiting pagan Cicero in a book of sermons from the infamous Jew-baiting Depression-era "radio priest," Fr. Charles Coughlin (may his name be erased). This was from one of his 1931 sermons - when he hadn't yet developed into the raving anti-Semite he became.]
That the King of the Universe should set aside a tiny land - a/k/a Cana'an or Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel, no larger than the state of New Jersey or the barely significant country of El Salvador (invariably described as "tiny El Salvador") - for the Jewish People is, to me, a sign of His greatness, signaling as it does that He loves our species, mankind; that He wants us to be happy; and provides us with a defined objective that's practically achievable. Even though it drives the world insane - with "wise" commentators fulminating against the Jews' "illegal occupation" of "Arab territories" - it can somehow, still, with God's help, be practically realized.
Creating conditions where the Lord of all Creation can "walk" among His people in the Holy Land of Israel is the principal objective, politically, of the Torah - the principal principle. The idea is, obviously, that foreign peoples suffering from the myriad crazy pathologies of paganism - the endless cruelties to the weak, to women and children and animals; the oppressiveness; the meanness and all the unholy stupidity of Jew-hating Gentiles - shouldn't poison the one tiny land.
One of the oddest things about the Arab countries' - and now some of the most powerful non-Arab Muslim countries, like Iran and Turkey's - program, of declaring the Holy Land to be a sacred Muslim wakf, or trusteeship, is that it's utterly devoted to making Israel (that is, the successful re-establishment of the Jews in the Jewish Holy Land) fail. Because a successful Israel is and would be an affront to Islam. So, rather than trying to better the lives of the so-called Palestinians (the ridiculously misleading name of the phony nation of Arab squatters, whose problems could be solved in a week, with all the Arabs' vast wealth and empty lands), they actually try to poison the land, scheming to dry it out by diverting or poisoning its water, or blasting it with nuclear bombs. Let us remember, it wasn't so long ago, when Saddam Hussein sent missiles screaming into Israel from Iraq - missiles which were thought to carry poison gas or nuclear warheads, which would have destroyed the "Palestinians" too, the "Palestinians" got up on rooftops and cheered! Lest the Jews succeed - Allah forbid! - and the Land of Israel fulfill its sacred destiny as a genuinely exemplary place, a land of genius and decency, to help redeem the whole world.
We tried to publish this map several months ago. We had problems with our Internet hosting. We changed carriers and modified the website... and that's been a messy process, too. Now we're beginning, I hope, to get things together, and we expect vastly better results and a wonderfully improved website... soon.
Thank you for your patience.
By Michael Dallen
September 2024, Elul 5784
If God does not exist, nothing matters.
If God does exist - nothing else matters.
April 2024 Vol. 17.7
We are the Party of Freedom....Read More
March 2024 Vol. 17.6
Einstein and Gaza... Agnostic Einstein stumbling upon traces of "the infinitely superior spirit" coursing through "the incomprehensible cosmos," venerating the "superior reasoning power" he discovers, but still falling prey to "Newtonian" errors... ironically, errors that Sir Isaac Newton himself, a disciple of Maimonides, avoided... Concerning my own stubbornly skeptical journey to conscious service to that Power... "Then We Had a War"- the information power of the Six-Day War and the wonderful educational value of the Arab world's disgraceful struggle to erase the one nation on earth that's guaranteed to be eternal... Amalek, the Anti-Semite - the evil cosmic force that's not all bad... Busting the Arabs' con; simple, obvious solutions to "these intractable problems"....
Read More
February 2024 Vol.17.5
Cracking the Arabs' Palestine Scam....and more
January 2024 Vol. 17.4 Incontrovertible. Want incontrovertible, indisputable proof of an inhuman world-historical conspiracy against the re-establishment of the People of Israel in the Land of Israel? Check. The Arab countries' cruel, heedless malevolence: breathtaking. We explore solutions ("What Do We Do Now?"). Earth's fate depends on getting this right... Plus, an addendum, "People Have Asked," how to help Israel in crisis: some practical suggestions...Read More
December 2023 Vol. 17.3
Crying 'War Crime' against the Children of Israel liberating the Land of Israel is so ridiculous; we're evidently living in a sacred time in the era of new Biblical Books. But Gentile philosophers have been thoroughly crazy, as you'll see in "Philosophers" and "Philosophers on Law" on Divine versus man-made law - and more ridiculous treatment by philosophers. "Milk and Meat" exemplifies one kind of divine law: "Expel the Aliens" (Number 33), which is a law with a clear rationale and obvious context. Discussing Amalek. "The Arab League Conspiracy" to knowingly sacrifice a whole people in the genuinely stupid cause of annihilating Israel. "From Time Immemorial," Palestinianism obscures the vivid fulfillment of remarkable prophecies. "Lies and More Lies" about Palestinianism. "The Arab League" explores the nature of the fraud and the Arabs' need to fix their own disaster. "After October Seventh," revealing the ridiculousness of the Two-State Solution Land-for-Peace ideas. If we wish the "Palestinians" well, help free them from their brothers' evil plot. "Solutions": evil won't succeed. Resettling the Jew-haters where they can make something of themselves and work and help make the world more livable will show mankind a way to successfully handle other migrations and mass movements of difficult people with unlovable cultures... Read More
November 2023 Vol. 17.2
"Palestinians Over God, International Law, and Eretz Israel. Israel becoming re-established in the Land of Israel, which seems to be prophecy fulfilled, is alleged to be, basically, a war crime, violating International Law. We analyze that here....Read More
October 2023 Vol. 17.1
Middle East Game Plan - now we're engaged (again) in a great war... Specifically pertinent prophetic teachings, including "pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides". (Those who hate Israel needn't live in Israel.) Amalek, the anti-Israel... General Scriptural principles are particularly pertinent right now... Laws for Noachides... Noachides in the Land of Israel, legal standards, requirements, and violations. Godly Worshipfulness - Techniques. Follow-up from Last Month. Dialogue with Jewish people's Conservative and Reform movements... and more.
September 2023 - Vol. 16.5
Salvation Coming! Earth's future is bright! Getting real. To "recognize and know" the LORD is a discipline and a goal. Ad Astra, To the Stars. Noachides and the Sabbath. Noachides, dear to God. Sacred tools and techniques - let's hear from you. The world's birthday: Happy New Year! More
August 2023 - Vol. 16.4
Noachide Sabbath - Colloquy involving Dr. Robert Buxbaum, Rabbi Michael Katz, and Michael Dallen. Should a Noachide, a non-Jew, celebrate or keep a Sabbath (Shabbos)? If so, when, how, and why? A conversation... and more
July 2023 - Vol. 16.3
Prosperity Gospel - Four different promises - absolute Divine promises of direct reward for good conduct - applying to everyone of every nation. Leviticus 18, "I AM THE LORD." Genesis 12:3, "I will bless them that bless you." Psalm 41, Proverbs 19, "THE LORD will deliver him..." (here's Prosperity Gospel with a bite!). Psalm 92, respecting God's surpassing mighty holiness. and more
June 2023 - Vol. 16.2
Eternal: the Seven Noachide Commandments. The "Justice" Commandment, dinim, the "pro-government" Commandment. No messiah/no "redemption" will diminish or end human obligations and privileges to establish, defend, maintain, and perfect good government. Don't expect the obliteration of politics - nor of deluded self-interest - or controversy in the future; don't expect the obliteration of work. Noachides and Jewish input regarding government. Book review: Dr. Robert Buxbaum reviews "Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide to Life's Biggest Questions." The author is a self-described "agnostic heathen," calling monotheism "child abuse" and positing, instead of a Creator, an "inflation." The negative dogmatism of the modern academy. Finally, a short obituary of Harvard astronomer Owen Gingerich died May 28, 2023. Late beloved scientist insisting that "a super-intelligent Creator exists beyond and within the cosmos".... and more
March 2023 - Vol.16.1
If God Does Not Exist (If God does not exist, nothing matters. If God does exist, nothing else matters)
Proving the case for God .... Apocalypse: Nice future or weird Gentile fever dreams? ... God's Personality"... God's Fury ("Fury is not in Me") .... Ukraine... Messiah and the Future ... Amalek, the Anti-Israel, Haman and Hitler ... and more

January/February - Vol. 15.3 Agents of the Revolution. "Servants of HaShem." This is how the Hebrew Revolution works. See the people: Amar'e Stoudemire, athlete in Israel, and - may they rest in peace, Dr. Andrew Brooks and Larry King... The Book of Joshua: "God chooses his servants from who's available." Joshua was a general and a Jewish George Washington, but not a Shakespearean or Lincoln, and certainly not a Moses. By the end of Joshua, you see that institutionalizing the Hebrew Revolution after Moses is going to be a slog.... "Next Issue, Judges": Israel usually skips over most of Scripture (you can see from this listing of what's read when), but there's priceless information for Noachides and Jews to learn from there... Stay tuned for some fresh lessons from Judges, Samuel, and Kings... And more
December 2020 - Vol. 15.2
Saul Was a Jerk - King Saul was a Jerk. Rabbi Michael Katz doesn't like such talk, but Saul was a divine joke about Israel. The Lord's anointed, he did well for a while but hung on stubbornly and lawlessly past his time, committing awful crimes and bringing down a terrible military catastrophe on Israel. The prophet Samuel lectured Israel on the evils of monarchy - the Torah commands Israel to establish a good government, not tyranny - and his language in this Scripture helped spark America's Revolution. Israel picked a monarch who was a booby prize, George Washington without the substance, and Israel is still arguing about what deference is due... and more.
October 2020 - Vol. 15.1
Owns Everything? - Conversation: Deity is Knowable (Isaac Newton thought so. (Discussion with skeptical Noahides). Owns Everything? (God is the Ba'al, the Possessor?). 'Vanity' in the Book of Ecclesiastes. God's Eyes (What's the ancient liturgy getting at?). "Congregation of Peoples" from Isaac'sancient prophetic blessing, and More
September 2020 - Vol 14.12
Life After Death -What Happens When You Die? What Is the Essence of a Human Being? … Dust. Wind. Liquid. Nefesh. Sheol. Fire. Heaven. Neshama. Soul of Fire. God’s Coming Name. Kaddish… and More
August 2020 - Vol. 14.11
The Natural Condition of Mankind: extremely high level of God-consciousness. (Sixth and seventh Month of the Plague.) "Faith" is confidence in rational analysis. Pagan skeptics, philosophers, and clergy - and their remarkable evidentiary double standards brought to bear against overwhelming proofs - the more you learn, the more you know and the more you see - that HaShem, God, is Who He says He is... and more.
July 2020 Vol. 14.10
Fifth Month of the Plague... "Treating Scripture Like a Joke." Prophecies that seemed dubious, if not preposterous, when they were issued thousands of years ago: fulfilled! ... Little things that the ignorant and misled are missing... Coming into a genuinely conscious one-to-one relationship with God - GOD! - Himself ... Alas, what happens when someone "gets" it? When the seeker, bewildered by convincing proofs of God, turns to trusted clergy and philosophers? More
June 2020 Vol. 14.9
Sivan, 5780: Fourth Month of the Plague... Sivan, the Twins' Month - and the author... One Year Ago, Jack Saunders... "If Jews Were Any Good" - If Christians thought Jews were any good, they wouldn't be Christians... Punishments - criminal sentences and Nohide Law... Prophecy vs. Palestinianism, ancient promises, historical fulfillment, and mythic baloney... Prayers & Consciousness... The Prayer Word 'Selah,' what it teaches, how it works... and More
May 2020 Vol. 14.8
The Three Not-Quite Universal Laws... Beyond the Seven Laws we know about, are sorcery, emasculation, or mixing species in the Torah’s “forbidden mixture,” which are all forbidden by the Torah, so abhorrent that every nation should ban them? Some great Torah Sages believed so. But by studying their thinking, you see why it’s the Seven, and only the Seven, that has a claim on all humanity and more.
April 2020 Vol. 14.7
Gobsmacked - the Karma Quotient II, Gobsmacked by God... The Coronavirus really brings out the rule of God: you can all but see "the God that hides" in action. Hashgacha protis, Providence, manifests in the day-to-day how a conscious servant of God responds. "The world was created for me" - Talmud. God's humor and sense of irony: a necessary part of His holiness. God's wrath. The Master of a trillion galaxies a "creampuff"?...and More.
March 2020 Vol. 14.6
The Karma Quotient.... The Karma Quotient connects to the eternal Torah truth that God proclaimed three times at Sinai, "You shall not have any gods before Me." It's part of God's "Name." It's "Divine Communication at a Very High Level." "Even Moses May Have Puzzled Over This." "So, this is the Ratio." "God's Love." "Good, Good God." Prayer...and MORE
February 2020 Vol. 14.5
The Cool Kids..... Who are the Cool Kids, B'nei Noach or B'nei Israel - Jews or non-Jews? Getting with God using the same basic technique as George Washington and the prophet Abraham; the God Who made each one of us in his Image graciously invites our company. But does God's love for Israel mean He can't spare any love for any non-Jews? People's extraordinary, awful, blaspheming misconceptions of God's Name and refusal to learn from Jewish teachings. How do you get amongst the "cool kids" with the eternal holy power that manages creation? Universal Translator - help us with this new feature and MORE.
January 2020 Vol. 14.4
Who is Israel? News, back from Israel, Who is Israel? Black Hebrews. Universal translating button; helping out the Jewish Army; tankers’ memorial; Fathers of Zionism, Black racism and Black Hebrew Israelites; reflections on the Kokomo congregation… and MORE.
December 2019 Vol. 14.3
FIXING RUSSIA. Moscow and KGB Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Putin’s Russia has become a capital of white nationalism. Militarizing what the Torah calls loshon hara, weaponizing modern communications to spew falsehood, defamation, and character assassination, Russia disgraces its new “gods” and values. Russia needs fixing. RESPONSE BY RABBI MICHAEL KATZ. PARIAHS. No wonder Muslim refugees and immigrants are feared. HONOR. “Be a blessing,” God commands Abraham and all of us to answer His call to live an extraordinary life of honor...more.
November 2019 Vol. 14.2
True Dwellings of the Holy (Vol. 14:2), Fleeting Temples, abounding holiness; Tower of Babel, love vs. punishment; The Kokomo Congregation, continued: Concerns, issues, expectations, and hope and… more.
October 2019 Vol. 14.1
Kokomo Congregation … Indiana congregation “gets” the rhyming word music in Holy Scripture and ancient liturgy – could this be a portent of the Messianic Age? They call themselves Jews. Who knows their spiritual flight path? How to get to success: the key to righteousness, from Micah 6:8. Images of Kokomo… and more.
September 2019 Vol. 13.13
“The Enemies” DEEP TEACHINGS: Whoever you are, Jew or non-Jew, attack others’ privilege, power, or command. Expect trouble. Challenge the old ways at all? Denounce caste? Expect hatred. Attack tribalism, racism, and xenophobia? Expect hatred. Blast cruelty? Injustice? Oppression? Expect hatred. Blast stinginess and meanness? Expect hatred. Lewdness? Expect hatred. Blast, the whole might-makes-right thing? Expect hatred. False ideas, ideals, gods, superstitions? Expect hatred… People will cheerfully join and become Nazis and Inquisitors against you…. Compare the status quo defending the New Testament with the radicalizing, revolutionary record of the “Old.” The Torah directs and energizes irresistible forces against immovable objects (“the old ways” of injustice and tyranny). History teaches: expect spectacular results – like the American and French Revolution and the Civil War (not to mention the Scientific Revolution)... When Gentiles take up the Old Testament, revolutions follow..... and more.
August 2019 Vol. 13.12
Hating Hebrews: Mysteries... Weird characteristics of anti-Semitism. No one cares about Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Bernie Madoff any more than they credit the Jews for all the creative innovators, geniuses, and saints. Stalin and Henry Ford didn't let warm personal relationships with Jews detract from their fierce generalized Jew-hatred. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia... Martin Luther was a brilliant fascist-minded, counter-revolutionary foe of peasants and Torah-inspired freedom movements. Jews were commanded to incarnate the holy and decent revolutionary radical, liberating, egalitarian, eternally progressive precepts of the Torah.... and more.
July 2019 Vol. 13.11
Mighty Cosmic Forces. While the churches shrink, "Judaism," Israel's holy path and the Path of the Righteous Non-Jews, is the outlier. Indeed, it's constantly the outlier, the unique religious, moral, cosmological, cultural, spiritual, and sociological movement in history. People claim Judaism is as phony as the rest of them, but you can't call revelatory data points ridiculous. Mighty cosmic forces reveal themselves in the bundle of phenomena making up the great phenomenon called anti-Semitism... The amazing cosmic physics that brings blessing to HaShem and His causes and cursing to those who hate them... Where are the Philistines, Babylon, Assyria, Rome, Constantinople, Zoroastrians, Crusaders, Czars and Soviets? How well did the Nazis do for Germany? ... The Providential system is outlined and foreseen in a few clear words from ancient prophecy. George Orwell's insight. ... "From one new moon to the next," be ready for sudden progress.... more.
June 2019 Vol. 13.10
Jack E. Saunders, Aleinu Man (1948-2019). Articles: Godless vs. God-filled, two schools of thought - with some elements in common. The Aleinu prayer is a statement of faith and philosophy. What kind of man was Jack Saunders? Passover/Pesach and Pentecost/Shavuos. Saunders' pictures and more
May 2019 Vol. 13.9
Angels, Afterlives, Contraception, Anti-Semitism, and... New Book! Just out: "From Rehovoam [Solomon's son] to Nehemiah [building the Second Temple]"... Angels, or "messengers"... Afterlives (say 'No!' to ghosts)... Abortion and contraception... Anti-Semitism: leave it to Israel and Torah and God to attract enemies from both the left wing and the right wing... the recommended corrective... and more
April 2019 Vol. 13.8
CONFIRMING PROVIDENCE. God is the hero here, but it's through the works of His "firstborn" (Exodus 4:22) that He displays and confirms His reality, reliability, wisdom, and eternity - and how His plan is supposed to work. "Sabbath Enlightenment," the 25-hour mental hygiene break, is a good time to read. "Six Men": from Gone With the Wind to The Twilight Zone to ballet and modern art, to artificial intelligence, to local real estate development: they are all advertisements for God and clues that we ignore at our peril. Godly values are unbeatable values that have supercharged the Jews... and more.
March 2019 Vol. 13.7
PROVING PROVIDENCE. Proofs of God's reality and the power of Torah abound, but they're often more visible to Jews than to Noahides. "The principal Jewish sport is reading lists of names" - since Divine truths lie behind them. "The fewest of all peoples" (Deuteronomy 7:7) and the Torah of matriarchal descent. Who is really Israel? "Old Israel" v. "New Israel." Noahides invited to this great and holy cause... and more
February 2019 Vol. 13.6
SCRIPTURE: FIVE GREAT PRIZES. Five precious gems of Torah: "From My Altar," "Tooth for Tooth," "Doctors' Bills,” "Milk and Meat, and "How To...." This month, we focus on and celebrate five prize passages from the Revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai: Exodus 21:14, 19, and Exodus 21:24; Exodus 23:19, and Deuteronomy 12:21... and more
January 2019 Vol. 13.5
UNFOLDING DEUTERONOMY, CHAPTER 4. The mysterious, lovely Divine "statutes" are becoming clearer in our time. The Bible's moral laws - the Noahide laws - are all logical laws, versus the statutes, which 1) aren't logical laws and 2) don't command Noahides. But as science lights up the remarkable goodness of the statutes, the statutes increasingly inform and can potentially elevate both Noahide and Jew... Two very powerful ideas from Deut. 4... Divine Spirit & Aleinu... Divorce or Covenant? The "Suffering Servant of the Lord," Isaiah 53, et cetera... Beware of censoring free speech and thought. (What people call "hate speech" isn't necessarily so)... and More