September 2024 Vol. 17.10

New Website work-in-progress

Israel  is Goliath and Palestine is David, Christean Amanpour said on her international TV show, “Amanpour and Company.” She was talking to Israeli author David Grossman, who is a prize-winning novelist and a renowned Jewish “peace activist.” Grossman insisted: “Despite everything, we must show faith. We must defeat the Jewish Messianics with the Two-State Solution.”

That anybody could look at this map – “The Green is the Arab world. That Tiny Speck is Israel” – and claim that the real problem between Israel and the Arabs and the Arabs’ allied Muslim countries is that Israel is too big…. We are not prophets but we predict that future generations will ponder this in wonder. It’s like believing the Nazis’ crazy lies about the all-powerful Jews  as they murdered them.

The famous Ancient Roman orator Cicero disparaged the Jews and Judaism – and particularly, the Jewish Holy Land –  with mordant humor:

“The God of the Jews must be a little God, since He has given His people such a little country.”

[By the way, I found this quote from the famous Jew-baiting pagan Cicero in a book of sermons from the infamous Jew-baiting Depression-era “radio priest,” Fr. Charles Coughlin (may his name be erased). This was from one of his 1931 sermons – when he hadn’t yet developed into the raving anti-Semite  he became.]

That the King of the Universe should set aside a tiny land – a/k/a Cana’an or Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel, no larger than the state of New Jersey or the barely significant country of El Salvador (invariably described as “tiny El Salvador”) – for the Jewish People is, to me, a sign of His greatness, signaling as it does that He loves our species, mankind; that He wants us to be happy; and provides us with a defined objective that’s practically achievable. Even though it drives the world insane – with “wise” commentators fulminating against the Jews’ “illegal occupation” of “Arab territories” –  it can somehow, still, with God’s help, be practically realized.

Creating conditions where the Lord of all Creation can “walk” among His people in the Holy Land of Israel is the principal objective, politically, of the Torah – the principal principle. The idea is, obviously, that foreign peoples suffering from the myriad crazy pathologies of paganism – the endless cruelties to the weak, to women and children and animals; the oppressiveness; the meanness and all the unholy stupidity of Jew-hating Gentiles – shouldn’t poison the one tiny land.

One of the oddest things about the Arab countries’ – and now some of the most powerful non-Arab Muslim countries, like Iran and Turkey’s – program, of declaring the Holy Land to be a sacred Muslim wakf, or trusteeship, is that it’s utterly devoted to making Israel (that is, the successful re-establishment of the Jews in the Jewish Holy Land) fail. Because a successful Israel is and would be an affront to Islam. So, rather than trying to better the lives of the so-called Palestinians  (the ridiculously misleading name of the phony nation of Arab squatters, whose problems could be solved in a week, with all the Arabs’ vast wealth and empty lands), they actually try to poison the land, scheming to dry it out by diverting or poisoning its water, or blasting it with nuclear bombs. Let us remember, it wasn’t so long ago, when Saddam Hussein sent missiles screaming into Israel from Iraq – missiles which were thought to carry poison gas or nuclear warheads, which would have destroyed the “Palestinians” too, the “Palestinians” got up on rooftops and cheered! Lest the Jews succeed – Allah forbid! – and the Land of Israel fulfill its sacred destiny as a genuinely exemplary place, a land of genius and decency, to help redeem the whole world.


We tried to publish this map several months ago. We had problems with our Internet hosting. We changed carriers and modified the website… and that’s been a messy process, too. Now we’re beginning, I hope, to get things together, and we expect vastly better results and a wonderfully improved website… soon.

Thank you for your patience.

By Michael Dallen
September 2024, Elul 5784

If God does not exist, nothing matters.
If God does exist – nothing else matters.