The Book

Rainbow Covenant:

Torah and the Seven Universal Laws

rainbow covenant
  • Mankind cannot rise to the essential principles on which society must rest unless it meets with Israel. And Israel cannot fathom the depths of its own Tradition unless it meets with mankind.

    - Rabbi Eliyahu Benamozegh (c. 1900)

  • Welcome and timely, detailed, and sound!

    Rabbi Professor Nahum Rakover*

  • At long last, we have a practical and learned treatment of this vital subject, which is truly and obviously a MOST wonderful work.

    Professor James D. Tabor

    University Professor, Department of Religion, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (author of Restoring Abrahamic Faith)

  • With wit and a keen eye for what is essential, the author brings this ancient religion into modern times.

    From the Foreword, Rabbi Michael Katz

  • When Noachides come to learn from us, we hand them the Rainbow Covenant

    Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, Ohr Somayach, London

  • A great work, a modern classic

    Reverend Vendyl Jones, z'l, Noahide pioneer

  • A great work, a modern classic

    Reverend Vendyl Jones, z'l, Noahide pioneer

  • A big, rich book. . . This is a very valuable and welcome introduction to the Noachide laws and the Universal Covenant.

    Rabbi Yoel Schwartz (author of Or L'amim (Light to the Nations) and The Eternal Jewish Home) and Rabbi Yechiel Sitzman, Yeshivat D'var Yerushalayim, Jerusalem

  • Highly Recommended!

    Rabbi Yaakov Menken (, author of The Everything Torah Book

  • Fascinating!

    Rabbi Yitzchak Feldheim, Philipp Feldheim, Inc.

  • A very readable, painstakingly researched book exploring and illuminating God's universal laws of morality

    - Rabbi Eliezer Cohen, z'l, Congregation Ohr Chadash, Detroit

  • An outstanding achievement. Whether novice or scholar, Jew or Gentile, this is what we have all been waiting for

    Kimberly E. Hanke, author of Turning to Torah: The Emerging Noachide Movement

Mission Statement

About Our Book, Rainbow Covenant, and the First Covenant Foundation

These ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society since the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws... Joint Resolution of the United States Congress,

Public Law 102-14

Rabbi Nahum Rakover's endorsement

Welcome and timely, detailed, and sound!

*Rabbi Professor Nahum Rakover, currently Professor of Law, Bar-Ilan University, author of Law and the Noahides; editor, Jerusalem, City of Law and Justice (Israel Ministry of Justice/The Library of Jewish Law); Editor at the Library of Jewish Law; Director of the Jewish Legal Heritage Society; ordained rabbi closely connected to the late great Reb Aryeh Levin, z'tl (the subject of A Tzaddik in Our Time: The Life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin)

That Your Way may be known upon Earth,

Your salvation is among all nations.

Psalm 67:3